NEWSBRIEF: New Mechanism and Procedures for Investment Principle License Application for Consultation Service Business Sectors at the BKPM (汉字)

On 15 July 2015, the Indonesian Capital Investment Coordination Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal or “BKPM”) issued a circular letter on new mechanism and procedures for Principle License application, aimed particularly at businesses in consultation service sectors, as an effort to boost investors’ commitment and investment realization (formally, the Circular Letter No. 16 of 2015 concerning the New Mechanism and Procedures to Submit Foreign Investment Principle License Application at the Central One-Stop Integrated Services of BKPM for Consultation Services Other than Public Works Sector and Any Other Certain Business Sectors – “New Certain Business Sectors Mechanism”). This New Certain Business Sectors Mechanism is effective as of 3 August 2015.
