Tony Budidjaja’s Op-Ed on Business Indonesia

Budidjaja & Associates is pleased to announce that our Managing Principal, Mr. Tony Budidjaja, authored an Op-Ed (published in Business Indonesia, 5 August 2016) in relation to Indonesia’s current execution of the death sentence of convicted drug offenders on 29 July 2016. Execution should not be a solution to overcome drugs or other crimes and has interfered with the public’s trust in law, which has led people to be become anxious and question the controversial verdict.


In this article, Mr. Budidjaja suggests that a judicial reform is necessary. He regretted the death sentences that were imposed on the convicts, as it can be considered unfair because they were not given the proper opportunity to leverage their rights to defend themselves and explain that all statements and confessions that were used to arrest, detain, and ultimately establish the death sentences, were actually the results of mere plotting.


For a full Op-Ed article in Bahasa Indonesia, you may download the article here or contact our Client Relations at [email protected].
