BIL’s Approach on Fundraising for COVID-19


At this moment and time, health professionals who are on the front lines are the most vulnerable. They continue to perform their noble duty to save people’s lives, while risking their own. They are the unsung heroes.

Despite the numerous challenges and constraints in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, health professionals are still committed to their work. Therefore, let’s show respect and honour to these health workers and support them with adequate protective clothing and medical equipment so they may perform their duties without risking their safety.

BIL has been working very closely with Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19 (“Satgas”) and Badan Nasional Penanganan Bencana (“BNPB” or Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management) in purchasing and distributing the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) hazmat for health workers working in Jakarta’s busiest Emergency Rooms and ICUs hospitals.

To read more on BIL’s approach on fundraising for COVID-19, click here.

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