Budidjaja International Lawyers Senior Partner Mr. Tony Budidjaja Speaks in IADC Regional Meeting in Hong Kong

Budidjaja International Lawyers is proud to announce that our Senior Partner Mr. Tony Budidjaja took part as one of the speakers in the International Association of Defense Council (IADC) Regional Meeting 2017 event. The event will be held in Hong Kong on Thursday, October 19 to October 20, 2017.

Mr. Tony Budidjaja delivered a presentation on legal updates within the Southeast Asia region, specifically Indonesia.

Mr. Tony speaks on recent improvements o the Indonesian Litigation system. The presentation covers the Chairman of the Supreme Court Decree No. 43/KMA/SK/II/2017 on Establishment of Working Group to Enhance the Ease of Doing Business, and the recent simplification of Court Decision Format.

In addition to legal updates, the event also highlighted Comparative Legal Discussions on Witness Preparation in IADC members’ jurisdictions and Comparative Pre-Trial Procedures in Asia. The event also highlighted Investment Arbitration as a new and emerging field of practice.
