Budidjaja International Lawyers is proud to announce that the firm will be supporting a symposium on maritime affairs organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs.
In addition, one of our members, Mr Bama Djokonugroho will be taking part in the Symposium as one of the moderators in the event.
The symposium, adopting the theme of “Where The Young Entrepreneurs Synergize with the Government“, will present intellectual and practical discussions on how young entrepreneurs can synergize with the government, specifically in maritime-related issues, including:
– Maritime Sovereignty;
– Development of Maritime Economy;
– Marine Environ ment Protection and Management of the Ocean Space; and
– Development of Marine Sciences and Technology in Support of Maritime
Market in Indonesia.
The event will be held on 10 April 2018 at the Millenium Sirih Hotel, Jakarta from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
For reservation and any assistance regarding the event, please contact us at info@budidjaja.id by no later than 29 March 2018. Due to limited seating, the reservation will be on “first come first serve” basis. To secure your spot, we urge you to register immediately.
For more information on the event, please visit www.yems2018.org
Thank you for your kind attention.