Mr. Campbell Bridge SC FCIArb., a Senior Counsel, Mediator and Arbitrator based in Sydney and an arbitrator listed in BANI was visiting our office to deliver legal class to all lawyers of Budidjaja & Associates. The Topic is Embracing the Diversity of Indonesia.
He beliefs that Australia’s political, economic, security and cultural interest converage now in Asia more than at any other time in our history. Indonesia sits front and centre of Australia’s Asian universe.
Australia must find its security in Asia rather than from Asia and that no other country was more important to Australia than Indonesia.
Australia has a massive stake in Indonesia’s success and than a stable, democratic and properous Indonesia is absolutely and squarely in Australia’s interests.
The economic oppotunities for both Australia and Indonesia which arise from our proximity to each other, our complimentary economies and our multiple relationships are presently overwhelming in theory.
Asian society, in business or otherwise, is much relationshi-based than rights-based. As an Australian lawyer, he is trained to focus very much on issues of contractual and other legal rights. Indeed, many of our transactions in day-to-day business and society in Australia are rights-based.
His overwhelming message is to embrace the people and culture in all its amazing diversity.
We need to see Indonesia in terms of opportunity. it will require a cultural understanding and a “glass of full” not “glass hal empty”. It is instructive to look at the way the Singaporeans see Indonesia as a land of opportunity. He suggest that we seize the oppotunity to create a market when one might not otherwise be there.
It is true that there are remarkable differences between us. The final word is that embracing Indonesia, its people and its cultures is endlessly fascinating, incredibly rewarding in so many ways – and it is wonderfully enjoyable.