BIL Members Annual Retreat 2018


On the 4th and 5th of May 2018, Budidjaja International Lawyers held its annual retreat event in Caringin, Bogor. The event was held to allow all of BIL members to bond with each other as part of the firm’s team building efforts and personal development program.

The event is also expected to create a stronger teamwork between members, which will translate into improved overall services provided by the firm.

The event covers numerous activities including a variety of outdoor games that encourage members to work with each other in a team to solve challenges. The event also includes paintball games and rafting through the Cisadane River.

In addition to the fun games, the event also incorporates indoor sessions where members are being given the opportunity to present their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis on the firm from the perspective of various divisions. Another indoor session was held to disseminate information and to familiarize the members with the firm’s internal regulations and policies.


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