Tony Budidjaja as speaker at 2nd Indonesia Arbitration Day


Come and join the 2nd ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day on Thursday – 21st of November 2019 at Grand On Thamrin 1 & 2 in Pullman Hotel, Jakarta.

The 2nd ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day will begin with Inaugural Session and followed by four sessions. The topics are: ‘Overview of International Arbitration’, ‘Presentation on Emergency Arbitration’, ‘Mock Emergency Arbitration’, and ‘A Focus on Energy, Construction and Infrastructure Dispute’.

All in-house counsel, legal practitioners, arbitrators, and academics interested in the field of dispute resolution. The conference is also open to business people who wish to learn more about arbitration as an option for Dispute Resolution in Indonesia.

Our Managing PartnerTony Budidjaja is one of the speakers and he will talk about ‘The Overview of International Arbitration’ in this event.

This event is also supported by our good association, The Independent Mediators and Arbitrators (MedArbId).

Event admission is free, however you need to register through the link where you could also access the event schedule online through the link below:

Hope to see you at the 2nd ICC Indonesia Arbitration Day!

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